
Use your own resources more effectively and make the most of your potential.


Discover how independently you can think, how effectively you can act!


Gain more vitality, well-being and a deep sense of inner satisfaction.

3AN stands for contentment of body, mind & soul

Almost everyone strives for change, whether for oneself personally, in one’s private live or at work.
As Heraclitus said:
The only constant in life is change.
The 3AN First-Class-Coaching Team lets you rediscover & harness your potential. For more than 18 years we have been specializing in a wide range of fields. Among others these include:
  • Mental Health
  • Life coaching
  • Leadership, business & systemic coaching
  • Work life balance
  • Exercise, recovery, yoga & laughter yoga
  • Couples counseling & marriage counseling, strategy planning & implementation
  • Resilience Coaching

Whether in a personal 1:1 coaching, in a team or via telecoaching – let us start together into a new successful and happy future!


We ensure the increase of your physical and mental performance.


We show you how you can prevent overloading and master extreme circumstances with confidence.


We help you overcome difficult phases of life without long-term impairment.

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